From a fashion standpoint, it is obvious when you look at their first video compared to their newer ones that someone has already started to mold them into future fashion icons. Their sense of personal style has become more atuned to that of budding music stars, with a mixture of sixties, seventies, and Swedish influences. And between Johanna's adorable round face to Klara's gorgeous eyes, they have a lot to offer a fashion house that has younger cooler clients. Someone is going to snatch these girls up and I will be so jealous.
If I were to dress these girls I would love to see them in white or black lace sleeved dresses with a very 70s feel (think Gunne Sax), maybe making it a little more modern with tights and boots depending on the length of the dress. Or I'd go with a plaid look- it could be a shirt dress, but I think it needs to be more polished vintage than hipster.
Some examples (only the last one is by me):
I love the detailing on this dress

The lace here is the perfect example of vintage mixed with modern

A Luella Bartley look (She would be an ideal designer to dress them)

I would change this design a bit but I like the plaid element and the sixties feel

I see a lot in store for this fabulous pair, but for now I'm just going to listen to their cd on repeat. Check out their videos below!