In case you have been living under a rock, She and Him is Zooey Deschanel's band with M. Ward. They are cute, they are quirky, they are simple, but they are definitely fun. Deschanel has a very distinctive, strange singing voice. It is both horrible and wonderful. The lyrics to the songs are very simple, almost like they were stolen straight from her diary or poem book. Though very modern sounding, their musical sound calls back to 60s pop, folk, and country quite a bit. Songs such as I Was Made For You and Sweet Darlin' bring to mind the girl groups of yester-year, but then songs such as In the Sun and Sentimental Heart are a very modern sound.
My favorite songs are Sentimental Heart (a song that brings all my relationships to mind every time I hear it), I Was Made For You, Sweet Darlin', Thieves, In the Sun, Don't Look Back, Me and You, and Gonna Get Along Without You Now. I feel their first album Volume One is a great first album, but I find Volume Two a far better album. She seems to embrace her voice's quirks more and puts them to better use, instead of fighting against them and producing a sound that is not always easy to listen to.
Deschanel is on my list of dream people to dress. My mom and I always swoon over all her clothing in the cotton commercial she is featured in. Her style is so simple and wearable, but always stylish. I love the idea of dressing her in modern silhouettes with vintage style fabric. I love that she can wear cute or sweet clothing and accessories and it never feels forced. Bows, ruffles, sparkles, sailor collars, whatever. She always pulls it off wonderfully! Check out some of her adorable outfits below.

(I really really really want the dress on the right, but maybe in another color)

(I love her shorts outfit)

(I would wear that trapeze dress in a second)
I fell in love with Deschanel's singing voice in Elf, and I was so happy when She and Him was formed. I hope you enjoy them as well. Check out some She and Him videos below!