Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Oldies but Goodies- Peaches

The second I heard Fuck the Pain Away I was addicted to Peaches. And when I say addicted it's not some cute little term I use lightly. I was actually addicted. I listened to her cds nearly every day while walking to school or work and couldn't wait to put my headphones back on when I got there. I always cracked up when I walked past the school and church in my neighborhood while blasting dirty music. The time between albums was torture and when I finally got a new album it was all I could do not to lock myself in my room and listen to it Peaches is the only artist I have ever preordered from because I needed it RIGHT AWAY. For the two seconds when I wanted to do roller derby (before I found out how damn popular it was) I was even going to adopt her name in the form of Peaches 'N' Scream. Addicted is a nice way of putting that I was a little pathetic for Peaches.

When asked to explain Peaches I say she is delightfully dirty. She is now a little over 40 (and to be honest, looks every year) and still as dirty as ever. Want to embarrass the crap out of your really uptight friend? Just close your eyes and pick a song. Nearly all of them will work. My friend Forrest and I used to have Forrest and Melissa's Inappropriate Dance Parties and easily a third of the music was Peaches.

That is not to say that Peaches uses her dirtiness as a schtick. Peaches is really really good music. If you like dance-y music with a great beat Peaches is an excellent choice. She is great in concert as well. She narrowly beat out Leslie Hall for my favorite concert ever, which is a hard to win category. She must have had 20 different costume changes, with as many as 6 being on top of each other.

With many singers I have a relatively easy time choosing favorite songs, but I really can't choose with her. I can not choose a favorite from each album. I can not choose my top ten. There are just too many good ones. I could more easily choose my least favorites, but no one wants to hear about those. If I had to choose a few to recommend I would go with Fuck the Pain Away, Boys Wanna Be Her, AA XXX, Lovertits, You Love It, Mommy Complex, Talk to Me, Slippery Dick, Sex (I'm A), and I U She.

Music like Peaches is practically made for runway because the beat is easy to walk to. I have actually used her for two different shows of mine. The first time was You Love It for a small fashion show I put on while still in college where my models looked like they had been in a fight (but won), the second time was Rock 'N' Roll for my senior thesis of punk rock prom wear. Boys Wanna Be Her would be great for a rock 'n' roll line for sure! As you check out Peaches videos, be sure to check out her awesome costumes. What you see in the videos is pretty close to what she wears onstage. I remember one piece being almost like a backwards thong that lit up. Who does that?

Remember, before there was Lady Gaga, there was Peaches. Check out some of her videos below:


P.S. Miss Piggy you dirty girl!

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